Fly Me To The Moods







Music director, conductor, arranger: Felice Clemente
Voice: Simona Daniele
Clarinet: Claudio Binotto
Clarinet, soprano sax: Matteo Barone
Alto sax: Claudia D’Agnolo, Diego Carrettoni
Tenor sax: Mario Meazza, Riccardo Ferrais, Alessandro d’Andrea, Simone Polimeni
trumpet: Marco Mariani, Giuseppe Bonifacio
trombone: Andrea Baronchelli, Alberto Bollettieri
Baritone sax and bass clarinet: Andrea Ferrari
Piano: Valerio Bassan
Guitar: Angelo Nolè
Electric bass: Paolo Paracchini
Drums: Lorenzo Attanasio

Special guests: 
Tino Tracanna, sax tenore
Gabriele Boggio Ferraris,

In 2006 saxophone player Felice Clemente founded “Mixiland Jazz Band”.
Over the course of its twelve year history, Clemente succeeded in creating a unique big band.
This was achieved with the support from acclaimed Italian jazz players like Marco Mariani, Andrea Baronchelli, Andrea Ferrari and Alberto Bolettieri and not forgetting the important participation of young talents from the CPM Music Institute and Milan Conservatory. 
The combination of chemistry between the musicians and the originality of the arrangements, captivate and impress its audiences.
Mixiland Jazz Band perform in theaters and concert halls across the country, including the prestigious Blue Note Jazz Club in Milan, receiving high praise from audiences and critics alike.
Besides the aforementioned soloists, Mixiland Jazz Band collaborates with artists such as Tino Tracanna, Massimo Manzi, Marco Fior, Andrea Andreoli, Beppe Caruso and Gabriele Boggio Ferraris, who add their virtuosity to the sound of the band. 
With “Fly Me To The Moods” Mixiland Jazz band takes the listener back to the wonderful sounds made famous by some of the greatest big bands in history, whilst bringing it right up to date with their innovative creativity and style. 
In addition, the album includes original material written by Felice Clemente.


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