Crocevia di suoni records

My record label, born in 2007 from the desire to realize the dream of pursuing quality by creating original and independent projects, a music without geographical or conceptual barriers. WEBSITE

Javier Pérez Forte

A great friend fo mine and a great guitarist. Twenty-two years of friendship and collaboration in which we have made 3 records (“Escaleras”, “Aire Libre” and “Evolucion”) and hundreds of concerts! WEBSITE

Carlo Uboldi

Carlo is an excellent pianist and friend of mine, with whom I recorded the album “Introspective”. WEBSITE

Paolo Fresu

A great artist who needs no introduction. A man of refined sensitivity, an example to follow. WEBSITE

International Records Distribution

Historical Italian distributor specialized in jazz. Since 2012 distributes the records of my record label, the Crossroads of Sounds Records. WEBSITE

The Orchard distribution

The Orchard, founded in 1997, provides independent artists the ability to sell their music to mainstream audiences. WEBSITE


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