I was born in Milan on August 9, 1974. My passion for music grew naturally in a family environment where music was the air that we breathed, thanks to my grandfather, a clarinetist.

Under his guidance I started my journey with the clarinet, then I continued my studies at the Conservatory of Milan with Maestro Tessari. Soon I obtained my degree.

However, my classical studies had only opened a door for me, leading to the immense musical world that was to be my life. I discovered JAZZ and the saxophone! At that point I began my studies with the saxophonists Paolo Tomelleri, Pietro Tonolo and Tino Tracanna, and graduated with flying colours under the guidance of Maestro Tracanna.

Since then, I have never stopped, between masterclasses, teaching qualifications, recording records, and engaging in collaborations with amazing artists…

I could tell you all about it with plenty of details (although for those is best to refer to my “official biography“), but I would rather mention only one particular episode.

I remember it as if it was yesterday. It was May 10, 2001, the day I first met my idol, my inspiration, a musician that until that moment I had only had the chance to listen through his records: Sonny Rollins.

A man who together with a few other musicians  has made the history of jazz. After listening to his music in a memorable concert at the Teatro Valli in Reggio Emilia, a wonderful performance, so full of emotion, I was lucky enough to be able to talk to him for over an hour, and I was truly enchanted by this man, and his incredible passion. There and then, I felt like I completely understood what my path was going to be…jazz. Within a year, I recorded my first album, under my own name.

That day was the turning point in my career and my life.



Tiziana Tentoni


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